A collection of writing from this week

 Mrs Campbell's class completed descriptive writing about our pencils this week. 

They are titled 'The Unwritten' and they are all about the limitless world that lives inside of our pencils. 

Enjoy our incredible ideas...

The Unwritten

Inside this pencil is mysterious words that we know but some we don't. Some are from the future and some are from the past. 

Inside this pencil are words that only some secret animal species know. Every word you write makes the lead inside your pencil smaller, until it's gone. 

Every pencil in the word is like this. 

By Millie Ross

The Unwritten

Inside this pencil hide words lying distraught. Words never been thought; love, hatred aswell as more time and effort while reaching the end of the dark, making lots of new words along the way. It's as good as candy, hooray. But it's not the pencil that's magic, it's you!

Time to understand, every pencil in the world is like this. 

By Leila Kanji

The Unwritten

Inside this pencil there are words from the past, and words from the age of the dinosaurs like 'roar' which means 'yuluak' (a made up word by me). Also, there could be a world full of words inside this pencil.

Inside this pencil there have been words discovered, and even the tiniest words. There are also some gorgeous words inside this pencil that have not been discovered. 

Every pencil in the world is like this.

By Zoe Stitt


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