
Showing posts from April, 2019
Welcome back to Term 2! What a great way to start our term ...

Ultimate Frisbee


Get NZ Writing - We received our parcels!

We received our courier parcels from our partner schools in PioPio and Taupo last week. We were excited to open these...

Values Hall of Fame Week 9!

Congratulations to our Values Hall of Fame students for Week 9! Charlotte (Resilient), Janae (Respectful) and Olivia (Responsible)
An invitation … We would like to invite you into our space to share the learning with your child this term. We are offering 2 time slots, where you will be shown around our space by your child, look at their learning, see their learning goals and celebrate their learning success. This is not a formal parent interview or goal setting meeting, but a time to be with your child and listen to them talk about their learning. Wednesday 10th April - 1.45 - 2.45pm Thursday 11th April - 9.00 - 10.00am. If you are unable to make it, we will be offering this again in term 2. We look forward to seeing you.