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Ag day criteria 2020

Dear Parents,

AG DAY – Saturday 17th October 2020

Please ensure your child has the necessary items at school on Friday 16th October to make their Fruit/Vegetable item and the Floral display. The Art item will be made at school during class time.

  1. Farm animal Fruit/Vegetable creation - This must all be done at School

  • Choose an animal from the farm

  • Draw your animal on an A4 piece of paper and have the parts labelled e.g head - potato, eyes - raisins.  Bring this into school to be displayed beside your fruit/vegetable farm animal creation.

  • Use fruit (fresh or dried) and or vegetables (fresh or dried) to create your animal.

  • You may use toothpicks, skewers or glue to hold your fruit/vegetable farm animal together.

  • Your animal body parts must be in proportion to the size of the animal you are creating

  • You may use no more than 2 other additional materials to create hair/fur/feathers e.g. feathers, fluffy fabric ***This must all be done at school.***

B. Gumboot Kiwiana floral creation

  • The outer layer of your Gumboot/s has to resemble a Kiwiana icon e.g. Pavlova, Fred Dagg, Kiwifruit, Buzzy Bee… and can be made from any material(wire, papier mache etc.) to depict the Kiwiana icon. ***This part must be done at home.***

  • If you wanted to add additional embellishments to your completed Gumboot/s, this can be done at school on Friday by your child.  Please make sure they have all their accompanying embellishments, glue sticks if required, blu tak, or any other sticking material to ensure they are able to complete their Gumboot/s creation independently.

  • The Gumboot/s will be the main feature of your creation, with the flowers complimenting the Kiwiana icon.

  • The Gumboot/s  must be free-standing. 

  • Must have a watertight container (or oasis) to hold the flower arrangement.

  • You may use any combination of fresh, dried, hand-made or synthetic plants or flowers. (Handmade flowers can be made at home.)

  • Your floral arrangement must incorporate the colours of your Gumboot Kiwiana. 

C. School Art item–  Papier Mache clocks (will be made in class during term 3.)

  • An A4 sized papier mache clock in Salvador Dali style

  • The clock needs to be self supported on a table edge

  • It needs to have at least ⅓ of the clock face on the table, with the remainder hanging off the table

  • The clock will be painted.

  • Use colours from our Salvador Dali inspirational painting for their clock - blue, yellow, white, orange and brown.

  • The clock face will be white.

  • The clock numerals/numbers should be identifiable.

  • The clock will show a time.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us.

           Courtney Ryder, Hayley Campbell, Kayla Huntingford

If you might be interested ...
Extra for Experts!

Home learning for Term 3

Please see further down the page for additional learning that you can do at home with your child.

Home learning Term 1, 2020
Reading logs are available from your child's homeroom Teacher.

Are you interested...

Additional learning you could do at home

Teach your child to: 
  1. Tie their shoe laces
  2. Follow a recipe 
  3. Make a meal plan and a grocery list on a budget
  4. Write a resume
  5. Look after the house (mow the lawns, do the gardening,  do the recycling, do the budget and pay the bills)
  6. Be a good citizen (mow your neighbours lawn, take them a meal)
  7. Write (keep a journal, write a gratitude list, write instructions for something, write an alternative ending to their favourite story or movie, write a book of facts)
  8. Advocate for positive change in the world (write a letter, sign a petition)
  9. Main a vehicle (check the oil, change a Tyre)
  10. Build physical literacy (do yoga, play catch, play Frisbee, kick a soccer ball, shoot hoops)
  11. Build fine motor skills (draw, colour, knit, crochet, cross stitch, sew, weave)
  12. Research - things you are interested in and create a fact find
  13. Plan a holiday - destination, food, drink, activities, budget, accommodation
  14. Create a travel brochure to your favourite destination
  15. Complete a STEM challenge (build a boat, make the fastest paper plane, build a tower, build the longest bridge) out of random materials around the house
  16. Try a BP challenge - Structure challenges http://www.starters.co.nz/uploads/teachers-magazines/bp-structures-flip/
  17. Try a BP challenge - Vehicle challenges http://www.starters.co.nz/uploads/teachers-magazines/bp-vehicles-flip/
  18. Create a code - Scratch Junior https://www.scratchjr.org/
  19. Write stories together as a family http://www.scholastic.com/teachers/story-starters/writing-prompts/
  20. Review a movie - give it a rating out of 5, tell us why it was good, why we should watch it or why it was a 'Rotten tomato'.
  21. School kit - or follow on Facebook for tasks updated daily https://www.schoolkit.co.nz/ideas-to-steal/2020/3/26/today-is-the-new-normal-8t6rb-285cg
  22. Kiwi Kids News
  • Epic for kids - you will need to create a family account - your School account won't work :) https://www.facebook.com/epic4kidsutm_source=Iterable&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=campaign_117765
  • Create a Cross Country course to run around
  • A family bike ride around the neigbourhood
  • Take a video of you  - tricks on your skateboard, dirt biking skids, scooter antics
  • A family scavenger walk - can you find A-Z objects on your walk
  • Find a new bush walk in your area to venture into 
  • Teach your pet a new trick
  • Create an Instant restaurant
  • Create a baking creation - something tasty and off beat, not from your traditional recipe book
  • Create a wearable arts costume from recycled material
  • Make your own sun dial
  • Look at shadows at different times of the day - draw yourself with chalk on the concrete - what do you notice?
  • Go on an adventure
  • Build a fort
  • Put up the tent and have a sleep out night - camp fire included!
  • Teddy bear's picnic in the backyard
  • High tea for 2!  Create, bake and enjoy your High tea.
  • Movie night and popcorn
  • How crafty can you get?  Paint a pot and grow some seeds, build a vegetable garden, recycle an old milk container and turn it into a planter...
  • Lie and look at the clouds - what can you see?

Home Learning Term 4
Whole Term Challenges

Home Learning Term 3:
Week 7Week 6
Week 5
Week 4
Week 3
Week 2

Home learning Term 2:

Week 10
Week 9
Week 8
Week 7
Week 6
Week 5
Week 4
Week 3
Week 2 - Home learning - Home learning will commence again in Week 2 - check back later for the new sheet for Week 2 :)

Home learning Term 1:

Week 10 - Home learning Week 10

Week 9 - Home learning Week 9
An invitation

We would like to invite you into our space to share the learning with your child this term.
We are offering 2 time slots, where you will be shown around our space by your child, look at their learning, see their learning goals and celebrate their learning success.
This is not a formal parent interview or goal setting meeting, but a time to be with your child and listen to them talk about their learning.

  • Wednesday 10th April - 1.45 - 2.45pm
  • Thursday 11th April - 9.00 - 10.00am.

If you are unable to make it, we will be offering this again in term 2.

We look forward to seeing you.

Week 8 - Home learning Week 8

Week 7 - Home learning Week 7

Week 6 - Home learning Week 6

Week 5 - Home learning Week 5

Week 4 -  Home learning Week 4

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